en / فا
Dr  Hamid Behnam

Dr Hamid Behnam

Office Number: 73225629
Mobile Number: 09121597756
Properties Fields of Interest Offered Courses
Academic Rank Associate Professor Medical Ultrasound
School Name Electrical Engineering Digital Signal Processing
Position Introduction to Medical Equipments ( Spacing Approach)

Student under Supervision

Series Student Name Student Degree Title of Project Co-Supervisor(s)
1 Mina Hosseinpour PhD -------------------
2 Mohammad Jalali PhD -------------------
3 Majid Vafaeezadeh PhD -------------------

Selected Papers

Year Journal Title Article Title Authors
2018 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MEDICAL IMAGING Mass Segmentation in Automated 3-D Breast Ultrasound Using Adaptive Region Growing and Supervised Edge-Based Deformable Model Ehsan Kozegar, Mohsen Soryani, Hamid Behnam, M. Salamati, T. Tan
2018 Biomedical Signal Processing and Control Altered topological properties of brain networks in the early MS patients revealed by cognitive task-related fMRI and graph theory Seyedeh Naghmeh Miri Ashtiani, Mohammad Reza Daliri, Hamid Behnam, Gholam-Ali Hossein-Zadeh, Masoud Mehrpour, Fatemeh Fadaie, Mohammad Reza Motamed
2017 PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART H-JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE Toward high-intensity focused ultrasound lesion quantification using compressive sensing theory Hadi Ghasemifard, Hamid Behnam, Jahan Tavakkoli
2017 Journal Of Theoretical And Applied Information Technology A ROBUST DUAL SOURCE LEVEL SET METHOD FOR THREE-DIMENSIONAL ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY IMAGE SEGMENTATION Nima Sahba, Emad Fatemizadeh, Hamid Behnam
2018 Journal of Medical Ultrasound HighIntensity Focused Ultrasound Thermal Lesion Detection Using Entropy Imaging of Ultrasound Radio Frequency Signal Time Series Maryam Mohammadi monfared, Hamid Behnam, Parisa Rangraz, Jahan Tavakkoli