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Dr  Mohsen Soryani

Dr Mohsen Soryani

Office Number: 5304
Mobile Number: 09129217183
Properties Fields of Interest Offered Courses
Academic Rank Associate Professor Machine Vision Image Processing
School Name Computer Engineering Image processing Machine Vision
Position Computer Architecture Computer Architecture

Student under Supervision

Series Student Name Student Degree Title of Project Co-Supervisor(s)
1 Mohammad Amin Mehralian PhD Indoor moving camera pose estimation
2 Aminreza Gholami PhD Augmenting small objects to video in small indoor enviroments
3 Sepideh Barekat Rezaei PhD Segmentation and classification of breast tumors in ABUS images

Selected Papers

Year Journal Title Article Title Authors
2018 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MEDICAL IMAGING Mass Segmentation in Automated 3-D Breast Ultrasound Using Adaptive Region Growing and Supervised Edge-Based Deformable Model Ehsan Kozegar, Mohsen Soryani, Hamid Behnam, M. Salamati, T. Tan
2017 ULTRASONICS Breast cancer detection in automated 3D breast ultrasound using iso-contours and cascaded RUSBoosts Ehsan Kozegar, Mohsen Soryani, Hamid Behnam, Masoumeh Salamati, Tao Tan
2014 International Journal of Computer Applications A Pyramidal Layered HMM for Multiview Human Behavior Recognition in Asynchronous Video Streams Amir Farid Aminian Modarres, Mohsen Soryani
2014 British Journal of Mathematics Computer Science Dynamic Video Texture Inpainting Using Improving LDS Mohsen Soryani, Amanna Ghanbari talouki, Abbas Koochari
2015 Journal of Modeling Simulation in Electrical Electronics Engineering Improving Exemplar-based Image Completion Methods using Abbas Koochari, Mohsen Soryani

Outstanding Scientific & Executive Activities

Series Title Year
1 Mazandaran Univesity vice president for education
2 Chair of the Iranian Society of Machine Vision and Image Processing 2015-2020